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Student Services Center
3264 Cleveland Highway 
Dalton, GA 30721
(706) 876-3955 (office)
(706) 217-6755 (fax) 


Whitfield County Schools uses an online enrollment process. For any family that is not able to complete the process online, we also offer in-person services and the Student Services Center.

Step 1: Gather Documents

  • Proof of Residency Documentation. Must be one of the following:
    • Current Utility Bill including service address
    • Rent or Deposit Receipt with parent's name, date, current address and owner's signature
    • Lease Agreement
    • Closing Disclosure Settlement Statement if home was purchased recently
  • Birth Certificate or other state approved documentation of age
  • Social Security Card or Signed Waiver
  • Eye, Ear, Dental certificate (form 3300)
  • Immunization (form 3231) or state religious exemption (form 2208)

Step 2: Begin Enrollment

Existing Families — Additional Student Enrollment

Existing families that have at least one student currently enrolled in Whitfield County Schools can enroll additional students through the Campus Parent Portal. This may be done using the Campus Parent App or by clicking here

New Student Enrollment

Families that currently do not have a student enrolled in Whitfield County Schools can enroll a new student here


If you have any questions about enrollment, please call our enrollment staff at (706) 876-3955